During an interview on The Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon, Willis appears in a Donald trump wig and his campaign hat.
Reality TV star and Business man Willie Robertson from Duck Dynasty shows his support for Trump at a rally
Former star of the movie Clueless has since become a strong Republican supporter and is a part of the "Women for Trump" movement
While his wife supports Clinton, Kanye West is very vocal in his support for Trump despite not being asked to perform at his Inauguration even though every one else turned down the opportunity
Busey shows support for Trump during his election. Busey was once an apprentice on Donald Trump's show 'The Celebrity Apprentice'
Jesse James is another Celebrity Apprentice cast member who still supports Trump
The Baldwin's are a family divided with Stephen supporting Trump and Alec Baldwin repeatedly impersonating and mocking Trump on SNL
Former Basketball coach Bobby Knight supports Trump for his focus on 'winning'
With the majority of Celebrities campaigning for Clinton, many Trump supporting celebrities remained silent about their vote.
Many Celebrities that were asked to perform at Trump's Inauguration declined either because they did not vote for Trump or because it would negatively affect their careers if they were associated with Trump
Trump uses an anti-celebrity video to align himself with those that believe Celebrities think they are better than other Americans. Shows how Celebrity involvement may have been a key part in what made Clinton lose the Presidential Election.