Media Activism
Media activism is activism that utilizes media and communication technologies to facilitate civic engagement and collective action to promote social and political change.
Methods of media activism include publishing news on websites, creating video and audio content, and spreading information about protests to engage interested parties in bigger conversations to create social or political change..
Social Media is often used as a form of media activism because platforms like FaceBook, Twitter and YouTube can reach a much larger audience than traditional media and due to the interactive features and widespread adoption users can quickly spread awareness and rally supporters. It can be as simple as expressing views on Twitter using a trending topic such as #Election2016.
Live stream applications and websites such as Livestream or Instragram’s Live is another form of media activism because it allows users to objectivity broadcast information from the location of rallies or protests. People turn to live streams because the information captured and shared instantaneously which decreasing the kind of censorship that is involved with traditional media outlets such as television.